Organic fertilizers are used in orchards and gardens, however, special care must be taken so that they do not damage our plants.
Coffee Fertilizer: While coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, they also contain caffeine which can harm young plants. It’s best to avoid using coffee fertilizer in seedbeds and instead apply it sparingly to mature plants. Additionally, make sure to use previously brewed coffee grounds rather than fresh ones.
Orange Peel Fertilizer: Citrus peels like orange, tangerine, or lemon contain weak acids that can make the soil too acidic for some plants. To mitigate this, sun-dry the citrus peels to reduce their acidity before grinding them into a fertilizer. This process helps eliminate excess moisture and acids from the peels.
Eggshell Fertilizer: While eggshells are known for providing calcium to plants, it takes around six months for the calcium to become available. To expedite this process, boil crushed eggshells in water for about 15 minutes to create an infusion. Apply this infusion twice a week during flowering periods and once a week otherwise. This ensures a more immediate availability of calcium for your pla